Giulia Melotti Garibaldi

giulia@homepage:~$ cat CVE-2022-48199.txt
#Product: SoftPerfect NetWorx 7.1.1
#Vendor: SoftPerfect Pty Ltd
#CVE ID: CVE-2022-48199
#Vulnerability Title: Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
#Severity: High
#Author(s): Giulia Melotti Garibaldi
#Date: 2023-01-20



SoftPerfect NetWorx 7.1.1 on Windows allows an attacker to execute a malicious binary with potentially higher privileges via a low-privileged user account that abuses the Notifications function. The Notifications function allows for arbitrary binary execution and can be modified by any user. The resulting binary execution will occur in the context of any user running NetWorx. If an attacker modifies the Notifications function to execute a malicious binary, the binary will be executed by every user running NetWorx on that system.


Vulnerability PoC:

1. Create two users: one admin user and one low priv user.
2. Install SoftPerfect NetWorx 7.1.1 using the admin user and logout of their account.
3. Using the low priv user, enter “Settings” and then “Enable Notifications”.
4. Still using the low priv user, enable “Run” and set a binary to run such as cmd.exe
5. Apply and observe how cmd.exe spawns on the low priv user session.
6. Logout and login to the admin user. cmd.exe will start to spawn there as well under the admin user context.



Upon disclosing this vulnerability to the vendor, a hotfix was deployed to all new SoftPerfect NetWorx 7.1.1 installers available for download. The hotfix patched the vulnerability. Therefore, this vulnerability is confirmed to be present in SoftPerfect NetWorx 7.1.1 versions installed prior to the 11th January 2023.

Thanks goes to the vendor for a quick solution and acknowledgement of the vulnerability.

giulia@homepage:~$ cd $HOME